Category: tater tots

spreading thin

i don’t make resolutions.  but i am very good at spreading myself too thin. january comes around and i resolve not to resolve anything.  january is this magical month that comes with feelings of newness and fresh starts.  i am all about bettering ones self and starting over again but i just know me.  i […]

rocked my world

this family.  they took a chance on me, they invited me in and they rocked my world. and this little woman….she is my second favorite caelin in the world.  she is pretty stinkin awesome! when my business was new and growing, they let me photography finley.  fin was four months old at the time and […]

how did it take this long

in the hustle and bustle of moving, i can’t stop thinking about this family.  these images.  these connections.  these laughs.  my husband was totally holding out on me for the last TEN YEARS in not forcing us all to spend time together!   he has known them this whole time, where as i, just within […]

the angels next door

she would see me, stressing out over whatever lastest dilemma i had gotten myself into and she would offer to take my kids.  she had up to six kids in her home at any one time she offered, yet she was sincere and willing.  she and the kids made cookies for us for no reason. […]

a good kinda payne

she approached me over a year ago about this session.  she claimed she had to have this and there was lots of rapid hand movements as she spoke.  she was serious.  i was humbled.  she is a friend, a meal-maker-and-deliverer-for-you-when-you’ve-just-had-a-baby, a bible-study-grouper, a play-dater and an amazing florist whom i have had the pleasure of […]

i am not there

when i start a photo session with my clients, it sometimes takes a while for us all to “get it”.  they want to look at me and smile or maybe pose or do duck face but i want them to act natural.  so we play some games, i mess with their heads and within no […]

these two

working on these lovelies…and kinda wishing i had a sister.  they make it look SO awesome.  😉

a happy blue

the arrows taunted us as we made our way home.  they promised fresh berries in a small field.  it was sunset and we had no where to be, so we played the maze of houses, made a few wrong turns and ended up in a double wide’s drive way.  and it was there.  a small, […]

film: cherry red

they grew up in that back yard.  up until recently, so did he. they weren’t for eating.  they were just for fun.  just so mama could take pictures of my red lipped boy with his red dripped treasures. he was proud.  and scared of bugs.  but more proud.  he snuck one to see what it […]

almost there

[welcome to my everyday] it’s so hard to be three. it also seems hard to be short. and in your underwear when in such close proximity to the inside of a fridge. power through it buddy…you’ve almost got it!