under the boardwalk

by Amy

to me, santa monica pier is magical.  granted, it was my first visit and i do get excited very easily but still.  magic.  up top you have an array of colors, lights, sounds and that fortune telling machine from the movie BIG yet underneath and around, you have a beautiful ocean.  with quaint blue lifeguard towers that look more like movie props than actual rescue stations, a planked board walk that stretches on until it fades away and a secret hide-away under the pier with orange boats mocking support and couples making out on picnic blankets.  ok, the couples part is kinda gross but the secret hide-away part is pretty awesome.

paul and victoria aren’t those gross maker-outers.  they are magical…just like the pier.  i have been dying to do a shoot with them since i found out about their engagement and was so stoked that it worked out for my quick trip to LA.  paul is also an extremely talented photographer (as well as ol’ high school buddy of mine) and at times, it felt like i was cheating.  since he knows the camera and since victoria is often one of his subjects, i didn’t really do anything except follow them around.

vic is graceful and serene.  she is beautiful no matter what angle you are coming from and her most common movements are like a carefully posed model.  it doesn’t look forced or  fake…just natural and elegant at all times.

like i said, they aren’t those gross kiss-faced couples.  they are so sweet together.  i loved watching them interact so naturally and so lovingly.

like i said, the pier is magical.  so many colors and backdrops, it is a photographer’s dream.  i was seriously gasping/jumping for joy around every corner we turned.

and can i get an amen for that gorgeous sunset light.  i thought the pier was heaven in the day time.  you know, heaven where you can sit and have a clay face recreation done in minutes (to forever hang on your wall and creep all of mankind out) or see the world’s largest piece of kraft macaroni or even be assaulted and robbed by a gang of pigeons.  that kind of heaven.  but no, at sunset…it is f’real.  passersby, as i clicked around the couple, probably thought i was drunk.  i could not get over the amazing glow coming through the supports of the pier and was jumping around like a fool, hootin’ and hollerin’, as every image danced across the back of my camera.

and i definitely couldn’t keep my mouth shut about the killer good-lookin couple.

paul and victoria…thank you.  i am so excited for you two and even more happy to have witnessed the love you share.  you two are amazing and i am so honored you allowed me this opportunity, this evening with you.  congratulations on your upcoming wedding.  i am secretly crossing my fingers that seattle is in your future.  you will always have the pier.