Category: travel

cruising: rome

it may have taken me FOR-EV-ERRRRRR but I finally got to posting the final stop on that Scentsy cruise trip I tagged along with.  if you missed the french riviera or pisa & florence, go check them out.  [no one paid me or threatened me to say this]  if you have EVER considered trying to […]

cruising: pisa and firenze

day two of cruising found us in the tuscan region.  but to get to tuscany, we had to go through what our tour guide called “the ugliest city in italy”…la spezia.  funny because even though it was a very industrialized, military town…there was still something so beautiful about it.  had we not been on a […]

cruising: french riviera

i had never been on a cruise.  i am not sure if i have been on a vacation without my kids and with only a friend…that wasn’t work related.  i almost didn’t know what to do with myself.  my dear friend, suzanne is a rockstar scentsy consultant and earned her way on to a free […]