Category: #projectlife365


checkin out this little troublemake through the key hole and got caught. #projectlife365 #troublemaker

the center

at the center of my table.  waiting patiently to see the center.  a bit of sunshine and color in the center of all this snow.  purchased at the farmer’s market in the center of my little town.  center. #projectlife365 #center


we say snow but, here in germany they call it schnee.  whatever you call it, it doesn’t seem to go a week without falling here, this winter.  and i love it.  like skip-through-the-flakes, catch-it-on-your-tongue, examine-the-awesome-shapes, and sit-in-the-peacefulness-of-it-all love it. even more when i spot little heart shaped snowflakes hugging as they fall.  you see it? […]

daily life

it ain’t easy being small.  what is it about being a grown up that just seems so awesome? every day, i watch my little people avoid naps, dress up in big people clothes, be bored and pretend they can drive a line of chairs.  just wait, you four.  one day… you will BEG for someone […]


i watch them play.  in and out of the curtain, laughing and running into each other.  two point five years apart, roughly. when i look at them, i see that the oldest was once four.  and he was once 18 months.  and it’s hard to remember what he was like then.  moments flash back between […]


a freshly made bed.  no one is watching. temptation won. #projectlife365 #temptation

greatly reduced in size

mini.  something small of it’s kind. mini person.  mini sweater.  mini big boy jeans with mini pockets.  mini chocolate in mini hands.  mini little man who big time melts me. #mini #projectlife365

spreading thin

i don’t make resolutions.  but i am very good at spreading myself too thin. january comes around and i resolve not to resolve anything.  january is this magical month that comes with feelings of newness and fresh starts.  i am all about bettering ones self and starting over again but i just know me.  i […]