Category: fashion

blue steel

I will be honest, shooting high school seniors makes me sweat.  I get nervous and start feeling really old and saying stupid things…more than normal.  But then I got the chance to photograph Jonathan.  Even though I have known him and his family for sometime, setting out for our shoot was a whole new ball […]

rocked my world

this family.  they took a chance on me, they invited me in and they rocked my world. and this little woman….she is my second favorite caelin in the world.  she is pretty stinkin awesome! when my business was new and growing, they let me photography finley.  fin was four months old at the time and […]

big difference

she gave it to me as a gift.  she is SO thoughtful, noticed i had pinned it on pinterest and bought it for my sweet baby boy because…well…nothing could be more perfect.  thanks sis!  she knows that more often times than not, my kids are exactly that.  my assistants.  they help me pack my bags […]

happy day

i heart knee socks.  so does my daughter.  short socks “make my legs feel all cold and alone” she recently told me. we also share the same gene that says “i am not certain which valentines day socks to wear today, so i will just wear them both.” happy valentines day.

get comfy

every year we buy a few fancy outfits to wear for our visit with santa.  the kids look adorable right?!  the boys are sweating and pulling at their collered shirt and my girl is twirling around for all of seattle to see her britches.  they get cold, spill cocoa on themselves and wreck all hopes […]

one year of cole

one year ago (almost to the day) mr cole-train came in to my life.  we are friends.  we share mashed potatoes, pizza and an intense love for shoes.  not to mention our unconditional love for his amazing mama and daddy.   (hey rif and taylor)  i am so blessed to have him and his family […]

happy feet

under that beautiful white dress, with it’s layers of shimmery fabrics and sheer whites, there are always two excited feet.  of course, the dress is exactly what the bride imagined she would wear on her wedding day but her shoes…those are the real girl.  some choose white or cream to match elegantly match to their […]

come style me amy b

a common request/plead from my awesome clients is “what do we wear for our session?!”  and i totally get this.  when we had our family portraits taken by the amazing inglin photography it was quite an event to get clothing arranged for us all.  i had no idea how to go about it so i just […]

face art

annastina is an up-n-coming make up artist.  she is fabulous.  she has fabulous friends.  in an effort to boost “the looks” in her portfolio, she needed a variety of lovely faces with an array of different makeup techniques.  so, she invited six different beauties in for a free make over and some grub.  and then […]