Category: christmas

Documenting December - Day Seven

Receiving mail is one of my very favorite things in life.  Handwritten letters, postcards, gifts wrapped in bubble paper or even a good ol’ Hallmark card with a few loving words are treasures I save forever!  Our lives are filled with instant gratification but the anticipation and patience required with standard mail delivery is thrilling.  […]

Documenting December - Day Five

The fifth day of December meant the start of a new tradition!  We are a lego family so it was only fitting we build a Lego Christmas Village to enjoy for hopefully many years to come. To get the kids excited for this, we laid out a lego trail that led them to a table […]

Documenting December Day Four

He will be a teenager soon. He might go through a time where he won’t want to decorate the tree with his family. He might stop singing Christmas music with us one day. He might not be the first one to put on his Christmas jammies, shove a blanket under the belly and run around […]

Documenting December - Day Three

The second Sunday of Advent.  Because we missed the first one, we squeezed two in one for the day.  This year, we are reading an Advent story called Tabitha’s Travels and the kids BEG me to read extra each day.  And while this photo looks all serene and lovely, please know that we had our […]

Documenting December - Day Two

[sing the song] On the second day of December, some dirty rotten scoundrel gave to meeeeee, a stomach virus. [stop singing the song]  That’s it.  It doesn’t rhyme and I hate being sick.  So while I lay in bed, sleeping yesterday and today away, my beautiful and able children made crafts, drank who knows how much […]

Documenting December - Day One

Every year, I purpose my time to document the happenings of December.  Christmas is, to me, the most meaningful holiday of the year and cultivating purpose and tradition with my kids is high on my list.  Plus…there is just so much fun stuff going on! So every year, I make time to take normal, everyday, […]

all the pretty cards

Christmas cards.  Holiday greetings from people near and far.  Something I look forward to making and sending every year, after a brief period of questioning why I put myself through the financial, mental and physical stress of it all.  Don’t get me wrong…I absolutely love picking out the fun photos to use, making the card (with a template […]

fresh blanket

we have been waiting for snow.  after our first year here giving us 5 months of consistent snowfall followed by a year of not even ONE snow day, we were ecstatic to wake up to a fresh blanket.  two days into our winter wonderland, we are rosy nosed and frigid toes of sledding and reindeer […]

ornament of twenty twelve

we buy an ornament every year.  buy.  it has meaning to the year and the kids have, of late, helped pick it out. in an effort to be good with our money and an effort to have a meaningful ornament, we went about making our own.  someone (was that you Rachel S?) posted this idea […]


thought i would copy something i saw on pinterest.  first baby?  first ornament?  should be easy enough. nope.  remember that thing they teach you in baby class about how baby’s have that gorilla grip thing that has them close their hands really tight?  i learned they don’t close it tight on things… we painted the […]