By His Grace
by Amy
Meet sweet Alannah! What an angel baby! Can you even handle those cheeks?!
What a joy it was to watch big sister stick to her side like glue. Wherever baby was, big sis had to be.
Little brother wasn’t so sure about the new edition but in his own precious way, he stole time with baby Alannah. And Dad was SO patient through it all!
Like I said, big brother was a bit unsure about his role with sweet baby. For those few moments he chose to indulge, we were there to make sure to snagged them! So while these moments were fleeting…they were some of my favorites from the whole session!
No one likes to feel left out, so we made sure to have a quick tickle-fest with the bigs to show them some love! I feel like I can still hear the giggles in these photos! (Sorry mom and dad for getting them all wound up and then just ditching you!) 😉
It’s amazing to see that even though sweet Alannah is the third baby in the home, the looks in a parent’s eyes are still as if they haven’t ever known such love. Just when you think your heart might burst with adoration for your little people, God always makes extra space for love you didn’t even know you could handle!
One of my favorite things about these types of sessions is the fact that they are so real. Some mamas apologize for the house not being perfect or there being “stuff” in the photo…but that stuff is life. It is always my hope that those things of life tell pieces of your story when you look back on these photos years later. While they might be artifacts in your history that you wished hidden, I cherish in using to tell your exact story.
Little sis woke up and spent some time studying Mom and Dad’s faces. And then she just started showing off! Not even one week old and the BIGGEST smiles you have ever seen on a newborn!
Round two for big sister and she was just smitten! I pray that their bond grows ever stronger throughout their whole lives!
Thank you to Alannah’s family for allowing me to photograph your precious first days together in your home! For letting me play with and giggle with the kids and for just sharing yourselves with me! Thank you for letting me steal some cuddles and nuzzle those adorable cheeks!
And thank you to Mama’s friends who came together to help set up this photo shoot as a gift to the family! Mama is such a beautiful soul and you can tell by the company she keeps!