Month: June, 2013

can't miss em

they stood out at the church we were attending for the fist time.  not because he is ten feet tall or because she has the most killer heels…no.  it’s those adorable boys and how john is so sweet with them at nursery pick up and drop off.  it is her awesome smile and how genuine […]


hospital visits have always been something of anticipation for me.  minus the common trips to the urgent care (four kids?  three of them fearless boys? come on…) a hosptial trip has always meant i am about to meet my newest little person to love on.  but not this week. [prepare for overdramatization] i have to […]

these two

in the business of summer, in the wading of creeks and the sprinting through drops…these two. in holding the littles hands as they traverse the fields of grass or exemplifying the proper way to hula a hoop…these two. in games where plastic bottles become a treasure and small forest clearings a fort…these two. these two. […]

an album or three

when i was little, it was under the coffee table and had tissue paper in between the pages.  i could only look at it if i washed my hands and sat on the floor with my legs stretched out in front of me.  the leather felt cold on my bare skin at first touch and […]

cruising: pisa and firenze

day two of cruising found us in the tuscan region.  but to get to tuscany, we had to go through what our tour guide called “the ugliest city in italy”…la spezia.  funny because even though it was a very industrialized, military town…there was still something so beautiful about it.  had we not been on a […]