Month: June, 2010

carroll part dos

as i am finishing up the carroll wedding, i couldn't help but post more of this blessed union.  as i had written before, it was beautiful from start to finish.  and i just wanted you to see some more.     brittni is beautiful and talented and gorgeous and amazing and just all around rad. […]

cowboy cole

Do you remember this little guy?  Back in November, he spent most of his time on his belly, drooled a lot and had the most amazing hair.    Of course, he hardly drools anymore, still has the most amazing hair and is now practicing his steps…mostly dance steps but he tests out those walkin feet. […]


has a freckle on the bridge of her nose.  it's new.  i like to think that i placed it there since that is exactly the spot i land her goodnight kisses.   she has a fake laugh.  it is beginning to turn in to her real laugh.  it annoyed me at first but it is […]


this is katie.  she has dimples and energy and smiles for days.  wanting nothing more than to play, my time with her was a good work out.  she was full of hide-n-seek and tag and making crazy noises.  she was full of unabashed joy. she would giggle…but not for me.  i mean, i could get […]

signs of...

summer. blue gem stone-studded flip flops, fancy skirts, her puppy and some road rash.  summer made an appearance last week…hoping to see it again.


We went sailing.  As a family.  Lately it seems that we have so many things to do but none of it is really together.  You know…we are in the same place but we aren't really hanging out and enjoying each others company.  I didn't really see it until we were out on a 25' sail […]

loosed tooth

she waited so patiently.  she waited one whole month just to make sure Papa would be home to witness the event.  she waited through many dinners just to make sure the tooth would not be harmed.  she waited a four day weekend while mama was away on a job.  she waited.  patiently. with the most […]

blessed union

They kept thanking me for being there.  Hugging me, long and hard, over and over, they kept thanking me…as if my very presence was the best gift they had ever received.  It made me blush.  Did they really think that THEY were the one's being blessed with the amazing gift?  Because, from where I stood…I was […]